Wai Ling Cheng (Wendy) is a registered acupuncturist with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia (CTCMA).
She has achieved accreditation with the Canadian Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Acupuncture methods and Techniques for Beauty and Weight Loss.
Additionally, she has been certified by the Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling Association of Canada (FSNAC) and has been a member of the association since April 2021.
During her treatments, Wendy takes a multidisciplinary approach to help her patients who are experiencing physical discomfort or have health issues.
She strongly believes in an integrative medicine approach and enjoys working with a select group of MDs, Chiropractors, and other specialist to treat patients in a holistic manner.
It is her belief that finding and treating the root cause of illness and pain is more important than simply targeting the presented symptoms.
As someone who experienced firsthand the healing results of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wendy decided to pursue acupuncture so that she may help, treat, and heal those that are in need.
During her free time, Wendy loves to play the violin, piano, guqin, and pickleball.
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- MON-FRI: 9:00AM - 9:00PM